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Early Years



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Profile Video: ISA Wuhan Early Years Programme

Early Years Learning Center

At ISA Wuhan our Early Years curriculum is co-constructed by experienced educators within the PYP framework. The flexibility that the PYP framework provides us with is directly connected to our school’s main strength: differentiation. Our teachers, and the many educational specialists at our school, carefully evaluate each child’s strengths and areas of improvement at the start of the academic year. This information is then used as the basis for the teaching and learning that is scheduled into our curriculum. Throughout the academic year teachers continually reflect on the needs and interests of each student and adjust the teaching and learning whenever deemed necessary. Therefore, each child can get the best out of themselves at the Early Years of ISA Wuhan.

EY1-EY2 Daily Schedule
EY3-EY4 Daily Schedule

Our curriculum reflects our holistic educational philosophy. Our students receive UOI lessons, English, Chinese, Art, Math, Music/Dance, Agency, PE and more. That being said, there is an emphasis on language learning, as it is through language our students can connect with the world. To that extend, we have set up a comprehensive language program: We have a dedicated language classroom, employ English and Chinese language specialists, have a language committee, hold regular language tests to determine the needs of our students, we have differentiated English and Chinese lessons and our Chinese and foreign teachers always co-teach during the UOI lessons. This has led to amazing progress among our students which everyone in our Learning Community is proud of.

ISA Wuhan Unit of Enquiry

In the Early Years, EY1-EY3 complete four units of inquiry throughout a school year. EY4 completes five units as they transition into the primary school. At least two units each academic year will be under the transdisciplinary themes “Who We Are” and “How We Express Ourselves”

The Early Years units have specifically been developed to provide opportunities for children to inquire into important concepts.


Early Years Subjects

All students in EY1-EY4 undertake a programme within six subject groups. These subject areas are guided within the IB Primary Years Programme requirements and serve to ensure a balanced curriculum and holistic student development.


For EY4, to ensure our students have a head- start at the Primary School, ISA Wuhan Early Years uses the Grade 1 Learning Outcomes.

Note: This above information is a guide and maybe adapted to suit the needs and interest of the students

Why choose ISA Wuhan Early Years?

The first 6 years of life lay the foundation for the person we will become. Therefore, it is difficult to overestimate the importance of choosing your child’s s first school. We are confident that there is no other place at which your child could receive the type of differentiated, holistic, inquiry-based education which ISA Wuhan Early Years can offer. Come and join our vibrant international learning community at ISA Wuhan Early Years!
